Rebul Jasmine Cologne 250 ml
Jasmine Festival In that light breeze coming from the shores of Southern Italy, the land of the most beautiful jasmines, the cocktail of red apple, juicy pear, sweet peach and exotic lychee makes you feel like you are close to the orchards. After passing the orchards, the middle notes of...
Jasmine FestivalIn that light breeze coming from the shores of Southern Italy, the land of the most beautiful jasmines, the cocktail of red apple, juicy pear, sweet peach and exotic lychee makes you feel like you are close to the orchards. After passing the orchards, the middle notes of Madagascar's delicate ylang ylangs and England's peonies that you cannot resist touching will caress your face with all their softness. In the base notes, transparent white musks, sandalwood, cedarwood and rich powder texture take you on a fascinating tour.
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0.25 kg |