32 products
32 products
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- Softto Plus Blemish Cream Spot Cream-Spf 15 / 75ml
- Alpha arbutin, chamomile oil, vitamin c+e, diacetyl bolddine -Effective in removing age spots, sun spots, acne spots, acne spots. Usage: Before going to bed at night, it is applied to clean skin with fingertips. Not wiped, not rinsed.
Collagen Peeling gently cleanses your skin with its moisturizing effect. It purifies the skin from dead cells. It helps the skin texture to look smooth, more alive and bright.
- Sanfte Reinigung: Befreit die Haut von abgestorbenen Hautzellen und Unreinheiten
- Mit Kollagen: Unterstützt die Hautstraffung und fördert die Elastizität
- Feuchtigkeitsspendend: Sorgt für ein geschmeidiges, erfrischtes Hautgefühl
- Strahlender Teint: Lässt die Haut lebendiger, glatter und gesünder aussehen
- Für alle Hauttypen geeignet: Ideal für eine regelmäßige Pflege und Hauterneuerung
Pecksniff's No. 6 Leather & Oakmoss 3-in-1 Face Body Hair Cleansing Gel 33.8 oz 1000 ml
€32,90 EUR
Unit price perPecksniff's No. 6 Leather & Oakmoss 3-in-1 Face Body Hair Cleansing Gel 33.8 oz 1000 ml
€32,90 EUR
Unit price perAn effective cleansing formula designed to leave you feeling refreshed ,revieved and irresistibly fragranced.
Lather the gel on to the face,body or hair and rinse thoroughly with clean water ,or simply add to running bath water .In case of eye contact ,rinse immediately with plenty of clean water.Stop using If prodect disaggrees with you.

Kontes Spa Mineral Care Manicure&Pedicure(500ml)+Winter Rose Lavender Facial Scrub(500ml)+Winter Rose Mint Facial Lightening Scrub
Kontes Spa Mineral Care Manicure&Pedicure(500ml)+Winter Rose Lavender Facial Scrub(500ml)+Winter Rose Mint Facial Lightening Scrub
Prepared with af rose oil and herbal extracts, this facial cleansing tonic does not brighten the skin and gives it a natural matte finish. It removes make-up residues and helps reduce the appearance of blemishes. It helps soften the skin without leaving a sticky feeling with the easily absorbed oils it contains.
A facial cleanser for all the senses: Enjoy deeply clean, youthfully radiant skin and the exquisite scent of precious Damascus roses!
The SOFTTO PLUS Rose Water Tonic turns skincare into an experience. Formulated with the essence of the finest rose petals, it possesses pampering, nourishing, cleansing, and protective properties.
The Damascus rose is considered a particularly noble and enchanting beauty and has been used since ancient times for skin cleansing and sensual wellness experiences. According to legend, the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is said to have taken luxurious baths with donkey milk and hundreds of fragrant rose petals.
It's not just the rose's fragrance that's wonderful and unique; its first-class effect on the skin is also legendary. The rose water helps to shrink pores and refresh and soothe the face. The essence has an anti-inflammatory effect, binds free radicals, and thus supports a healthy skin structure with a significantly lower tendency to skin irritation and age spots.
Puffiness gently subsides – the skin receives a firming, fresh boost and appears flawlessly clean and noticeably rejuvenated after cleansing with the SOFTTO PLUS Rose Water Face Tonic. The beautiful rose scent also relaxes the face and soul. Simply a dream!
If you would like to incorporate even more of nature's treasures into your daily skincare routine, be sure to browse the SHR online shop. We carry many other SOFTTO PLUS products that will delight you!
Eine Gesichtsreinigung für alle Sinne: Genießen Sie porentief reine, jugendlich strahlende Haut und den edlen Duft kostbarer Damaszener-Rosen!
Der Toner SOFTTO PLUS Rose Water Tonic macht Hautpflege zum Erlebnis. Er wurde formuliert mit der Essenz feinster Rosenblüten und besitzt verwöhnende, pflegende, reinigende und schützende Eigenschaften.
Die Damaszener-Rose gilt als besonders edle und betörend duftende Schönheit und wurde schon in der Antike für die Reinigung der Haut und sinnliche Wellnesserlebnisse verwendet. Überlieferungen nach soll die ägyptische Königin Kleopatra Luxusbäder mit Eselsmilch und hunderten Blüten duftender Rosen genommen haben.
Wundervoll und einzigartig ist aber nicht nur der Wohlgeruch der Rose, auch ihre erstklassige Wirkung auf die Haut ist legendär. Das Rosenwasser hilft, die Poren zu verkleinern, das Gesicht zu erfrischen und zu beruhigen. Dabei wirkt die Essenz entzündungshemmend, bindet freie Radikale und unterstützt auf diese Weise eine gesunde Hautstruktur mit deutlich geringerer Neigung zu Hautirritationen und Altersflecken.
Schwellungen klingen sanft ab – die Haut bekommt einen straffenden Frischekick und wirkt nach einer Reinigung mit dem SOFTTO PLUS Rose Water Face Tonic makellos rein und deutlich verjüngt. Der wunderschöne Rosenduft lässt zusätzlich Gesichtszüge und Seele entspannen. Einfach ein Traum!
Wenn Sie noch mehr Kostbarkeiten der Natur in Ihre tägliche Pflegeroutine integrieren möchten, sollten Sie sich hier im SHR Onlineshop unbedingt weiter umsehen. Wir führen viele weitere SOFFTO PLUS Produkte, die Sie begeistern werden!
Winter Rose Coconut Facial Lightening Scrub is specially produced to clean your skin with its creamy structure and easy use. With its cucumber extract formula enriched with vitamin E and vitamin B3, it cleanses the skin of excess oil and purifies it from dead cells. It helps to provide softer and smoother skin.
How to use: Apply Winter Rose Coconut Facial Lightening Scrub to your clean, moist skin 2-3 times a week without bringing it around the eyes and lips. Rinse with lukewarm water. Leaves skin soft, smooth and free of dead cells.
It cleans the skin without irritating and helps to remove dead cells with its formula containing coconut extra enriched with vitamin E and vitamin B3.
It helps to provide softer and smoother skin.
Wet your fingers with water, apply sufficient amount of Winter Rose peeling to the face area by gently massaging with circular movements without coming to the eye area (about 2-3 minutes), then rinse with plenty of warm water.
Repeat 2 times a week.
Leaves skin soft and smooth free of dead cells. Returns of opened products are not accepted. The product is 100% original.
Winter Rose Blackberry Extract For All Skin Peeling 500 gr with its mint extract formula enriched with vitamin E and vitamin B3, it cleans excess oil from the skin and purifies it from dead cells. It helps to provide softer and smoother skin.
Wet your fingers with water, apply sufficient amount of winter rose peeling to the face area by gently massaging with circular movements without coming to the eye area (about 2-3 minutes), then rinse with plenty of warm water.
Repeat 2 times a week.
Leaves the skin soft and smooth free of dead cells.
Sulfur and Goat Milk Soap, which is compatible with all skin structures, helps to clean skin structures that are oily or have a tendency to be oily.
This product, which is very effective thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, will create a peeling effect on your skin.
It creates a healthy glow on your skin by cleaning acne-prone, blackheads and acne-prone skin.
With its unique properties, soap helps to meet your skin's moisture needs and solve many skin problems.
The product, which contains sulfur and goat's milk, helps to maintain the hydro-lipid balance on the skin.
It helps to remove blemishes and cleanse your skin.
Sulfur is very beneficial for the skin.
In addition to preventing wrinkles, it is also preferred because it delays the signs of aging.
The product, which creates a peeling effect on your skin, eliminates many skin problems that are experienced or likely to be experienced, especially in oily skin.
Soap, which is effective in skin blemishes, is also effective in providing the moisture that the skin needs.
Suitable Skin Type:
all skin types
You can use the soap, which you can use as a cleaner, twice a day, in the morning and evening.
Sulfur and Goat Milk Soap, which you can foam by massaging on your skin, should be rinsed with plenty of water after cleaning.
It can be used in accordance with all skin types.

Urban Care Summer Edition Monoi Oil & Ylang Ylang Exfoliating Body Scrub 250 ml
€12,50 EUR
Unit price perUrban Care Summer Edition Monoi Oil & Ylang Ylang Exfoliating Body Scrub 250 ml
€12,50 EUR
Unit price per